
Accurate Spanish To English Translator

TranslationContext Conjugation Synonyms
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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
preciso exacto correcto acertado fiel adecuado cierto fidedigna certero veraz fiable detallada
precisión exactitud


accurate data544
accurate to342
accurate and timely265
timely and accurate232
Menos preciso, la revisión del mapa de Egipto.
Real-time parallax correction has been added for more accurate framing.
Se ha añadido la corrección del paralaje en tiempo real para aportar un encuadre más preciso.
Labelling must be accurate and checked to ensure consumer confidence.
El etiquetado debe ser exacto y controlado para garantizar la confianza del consumidor.
Despite the element of optimism the substance is pretty accurate.
Sí, existe ese elemento de optimismo, pero el contenido esencial sigue siendo correcto.
Spring selection procedure is quick and accurate.
El procedimiento de selección de resortes es rápido y preciso.
Super Sensor antenna is specialized for the professional and accurate detection.
Super Sensor es una antena para la detección de profesional especializado y preciso.
Live view enables more accurate framing and improved focussing.
La visualización en vivo permite un encuadre preciso y un mejor enfoque.
Este método es preciso para el análisis de tendencias.
Perhaps a more accurate term is therapy lifestyle.
Quizás un término más preciso es estilo de vida la terapia.
Yet this vulnerable group still lacks accurate knowledge about HIV and prevention.
Sin embargo, este grupo vulnerable sigue careciendo de un conocimiento preciso sobre el VIH y su prevención.
OMNIA has always produced accurate work within tight schedules.
OMNIA ha siempre llevado a cabo un trabajo preciso y en rápido tiempo.
Algo duro, pero lo siento muy preciso.
Journalists must make their reports both accurate and appealing.
Los periodistas deben procurar que sus reportajes sean precisos y atractivos.
Incluye control remoto inteligente para obtener resultados muy precisos.
Increasingly, their observations are getting more accurate.
Con más frecuencia, sus observaciones son cada vez más exactas.
Calibrador de longitud para obtener cortes rápidos y exactos.
Puede ocurrir que alguna información no sea precisa o actual.
Resistance values alone do not provide accurate capacity readings.
Los valores de resistencia únicamente no brindan lecturas exactas de capacidad.
Provides fast and accurate coating thickness measurements of steel.
Proporciona mediciones rápidas y precisas del espesor de revestimientos de acero.
Produces Real-time inventory reports and provides quick accurate cycle counts.
Produce informes de inventario en tiempo real y proporciona recuentos de ciclos rápidos y precisos.
Possibly inappropriate content Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange.
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No results found for this meaning.

Results: 20638. Exact: 20638. Elapsed time: 269 ms.

accurate information1263
accurate picture374
provide accurate292
complete and accurate234
accurate assessment221

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More

Developed by Prompsit Language Engineering for Softissimo

How to get accurate Spanish to English translation at low rates

(Last Updated On: juillet 6, 2018)

Translation from Spanish to English and English to Spanish has become a significant requirement in the U.S. and other international markets. The main reason is the increasing number of English speaking people growing an influential demographic worldwide. Therefore, it is essential to choose accurate Spanish to English translation services at low rates. We know the importance of clear and effective communication and help you eliminate the language barrier for all of your industry requirements. But how can you get these services?

At WAPA Translations, our affordable and accurate services facilitate language communication between you and your target markets that positively influence business operations. Our English translation services include proofreading and review to ensure translations are accurate, professional and correct. We are dedicated to reliability and transparency in our business projects by delivering translations with the highest quality standards. Our primary goal is to meet your translation requirements and that you are fully satisfied with our service.

Accurate Spanish to English translation services at affordable rates

The single answer to the question of why spend in English translation is that without it, you will be excluding a vast proportion of the world market.

Described as a global language, a broad language, an imperative language, English is spoken across seven continents, in over 50 countries and is spoken by over 350 million native speakers. Though take into consideration the number of non-native speakers and this ratio increases to 1.2 billion. After Spanish and Mandarin, it is the third most spoken language in the world.

Our goal as a leading translation company is to help you reach your objectives in local, national and international markets by providing accurate Spanish to English translation of the highest quality for all your communication needs.

Some of the document translation services that we provide include:

  • Death Certificates
  • Birth Certificates
  • Criminal Records
  • Drivers’ Licenses
  • School Transcripts
  • Medical Documents
  • Passports
  • Employer Forms
  • Letters / Memos
  • Immigration Documents

Spanish to English Translation: An Essential Part of the Business

The choice to translate business materials from Spanish into English will open new markets for companies to address not only to native English speakers, but also to all the non-native speakers. If there is no budget for a multilingual translation, many companies select English translation due to the fact it will be accessible by such a large audience.

At WAPA Translations we provide accurate ISO certified translation services at low rates. We employ highly educated and experienced translators who are native speakers of your target language. After an extensive training process, they become qualified to translate all sorts of documents for law court, healthcare, tech businesses, universities, publishers, journals, and other training institutes.

Every translated document is thoroughly proofread to make it error free. Unsurprisingly, the results are very accurate. We provide certification or notarization certificates for our services. We also send the paper copy, physical copy, of the output by mail if needed, based on your requirements.

Contact us today!

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